Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Money Money

what to say this week mon 21-02-11 during practical i working along mine I.S partner not feeling well, it kind a fun doing thing alone haha thought i will be the last people to done but in the end still ok not last group. Money is running out all mine saving from last year is almost empty, so no choice i came back doing delivery service just enough to survive for pocket money, project due date is almost done lot thing still haven't done. progess test out but not all for EFK:27/50, F&H:38/48

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


well since last week been having exam and project dead line and stuff like that what a big headache so far exam for food science & hygiene and fundamental of baking is done with. now left with english, food knowledge and practical for project F***king alot english acting,food knowledge, fundamentals of hospitality hosing, application of host communications screw up with group member that don wanna do. and on monday(14-02-11) mine relative from Sarawak came to see how are we and the dad need to go for a meeting in singapore and they are going back this thur, and to mine class mate GD luk for practical this sat.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Holiday ended

CNY holiday about to end, tomorrow will be school day but the celebration last for 14 days hm.... what to say about this week o ya on the 2 feb is yvonne birthday our class mate had a small celebration for her hope she like it. for CNY i am working never celebrate much just had a small Reunion dinner with family. to all mine Chinese friend out there Gong Xi Fai Cai. and to non-chinese a happy holiday.

click below for pic of yvonne birthday celebration